In a few days I embark on this journey with joyful anticipation. My desire and soulful willingness is to separate myself from the world and to offer myself in humble devotion to our Lord and his Mother. I have been asking the Lord to reach into my heart and rip it wide open so all that should not be there empty's out and all that will be left is his love.
I am trying my hardest to stay away from the idea of planning and am trying to focus instead on seeking to learn more about our heavenly Father, making my heart full of desire for special graces, praises, petitions and thanksgiving, returning home transformed, renewed and restored by the abundant blessings received. My pilgrimage will be a time of prayer and to witness the miraculous signposts God has left for me, however, also a time to be a prayer warrior for others. I have a journal that I am writing the names and prayers of all those who have asked me to pray for them. I will present these prayers whenever I pray or stand on holy ground. Thank you so much all of you who have already sent me your prayers. It is truly an honor to pray for you.
I am an imperfect creature and will surely make mistakes, listen to myself and try to jump ahead of the Lord. Please pray for me so that I may serve and submit my will to Him.